Marching Events

Thurs, Oct 17th
5:30-8:00 pm

Tues, Oct 22nd
2:30-5:00 pm

Wed, Oct 23rd
10:00 am-12:00 noon
Band Day at Wanner Stadium

Thurs, Oct 24th
5:30-8:30 pm

Sat, Oct 26th
VBODA State Band Assessment
9:30 am Report to JHS
1:30 pm Performance
- (Bailey Field at York High School)
2:45 pm Return to JHS


Jamestown High School Band

JHS band

Frequently Asked Band Questions:

What programs/courses are offered?
  • Brass Class
  • Woodwind Class
  • Percussion Class  (Percussion Ensemble)
  • Honors Woodwinds/Brass/Percussion Class (Wind Ensemble/Spring)
  • Intermediate Winds and Percussion Class
  • AP Music Theory
  • Music Appreciation
  • Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Band (extra-curricular, meet after school hours) 
  • * District/Regional/State Bands (students selected by district audition)

Are auditions required for any group?  If so, which ones?

Auditions are required for the Brass, Woodwind, Percussion and Honors Band classes.

What is the typical performance schedule for each group?

Students will generally perform between 5-10 times per semester.
Are there any integrated activities such as musicals or combined concerts?

At various times, the three high schools will participate in joint rehearsals or concerts.  On occasion, the bands have performed joint concerts with the middle schools.

A limited number of students participate in the Musical.  The number of students varies from year to year based on the musical selected and instrumentation used in that musical.  The number ranges from a high of 40 students, to as few as 6.  The students rehearse after school hours and perform the musical on 3-4 consecutive nights in March.  The musical offers a different performing opportunity for our high school musicians.  It requires many hours of dedication and hard work in addition to the routine band activities.  It is not, however, a core band activity and should be considered an extra option for those given the opportunity to participate.

What after-school rehearsals are typical?

The marching and concert bands generally rehearse for 2 hours a week after school for most of the year.  There are weeks where we take a break and do not rehearse.  These marching/concert rehearsals are required and count towards the student’s grade.  The jazz bands generally rehearse for 2 hours a week after school in addition to the marching/concert rehearsal.  Participation in the jazz bands is voluntary.

The Musical rehearsals are generally held in the month of March and are 4-5 days a week after school.  As the performance dates get close, rehearsals of 4-5 hours are not uncommon.  However, participation in the Musical is voluntary.

What overnight field trips are typical for each group?

The band takes a spring trip each year.  It is optional.  Students are given the opportunity to raise money to use towards their trip costs.  The concert, jazz and percussion ensembles participate in competition/performance.  These trips follow with WJCC guidelines for band/chorus trips. 

When, where and how are they funded?

Each student is responsible for the cost of the trip.  Each student is given the opportunity to raise funds to cover the expense (including spending money) of the trip.  The band sponsors 1-2 fundraisers per year.  The band fruit sale would be an example.  Students receive $6.00 per box of fruit sold that goes toward their trip.

Are there direct costs to students for trips and other activities?

Band/Uniform Fee & Spring Trip (optional)

Is there a parent booster group?

The Jamestown High School Band Boosters

How much money do they generate on an annual basis?

The boosters raise funds through selling concessions at the football games, hosting spring band festivals, and occasionally other fundraisers. 

How are band booster funds used?

The band boosters use these funds to purchase instruments/equipment, repairs, instruction, music, awards, travel, etc.  Essentially, everything that the band needs, they provide for us.

If I am a student, what do I need to wear on the first day of marching band practice?

First of all, come PREPARED to be marching outside, on the parking lot and/or marching field surface.  With this in mind, you will definitely need a good pair of socks and good “tennis” shoes (often those advertised as walking shoes or jogging shoes are the best) that have been worn before.  You do NOT want to start marching with a new pair of shoes and have to deal with tired feet from marching and blisters from new shoes!  Also, you do NOT want a worn pair of shoes, as they will not provide enough support.  DO NOT SHOW UP TO BAND CAMP IN SANDALS OR SHOES WITH NO BACK ON THEM (ex. flip flops)!!

Your clothing needs are dependent on the weather.  You will always want to wear comfortable clothing.  Most students wear a t-shirt and shorts.  A hat is also helpful to block out the sun.  And, speaking of blocking out the sun, DO NOT FORGET SUNSCREEN!!!

Will I be expected to know the music by heart?  When?

Indeed, you will need to be able to play and memorize the music performed by the Eagle Band.  There will be a schedule kept to check off skills in music.  The bottom line is, everyone needs to learn the music, play the music and have it memorized!

Will I have to march and play the music at the same time?

Simply put, YES!!  That’s what marching band is all about.

How will I learn the marching drill, my music, flagwork, etc?

The marching band staff will teach you, as well as the veteran student members.  The larger group will spend a lot of time in smaller groups (sectionals) learning the steps, music, etc.  Slowly, you will gain the skills and be “checked off” when you can demonstrate your expertise.

There are so many practice times, will I need to practice at home too?

YES!!  You will need (and will be expected) to practice on your own to learn the music and other skills.  

Do I have to attend every practice?

Yes.  For additional details on this question, please refer directly to the Band Handbook Attendance Policy.  The bottom line is:  ANY excuse must be approved by one of the band directors prior to an absence.

How will I learn the marching drill, my music, flagwork, etc?

The marching band staff will teach you, as well as the veteran student members.  The larger group will spend a lot of time in smaller groups (sectionals) learning the steps, music, etc.  Slowly, you will gain the skills and be “checked off” when you can demonstrate your expertise.